Transport & Sustainability Committee

Agenda Item 34


Subject:                    56-57 Lewes Road – objections to Traffic Regulation Order in Caledonian Road


Date of meeting:    3rd October 2023


Report of:                 Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture


Contact Officer:      Name: Eleanor Templeton



Ward(s) affected:   Round Hill; Hanover and Elm Grove


For general release


1.            Purpose of the report and policy context


1.1         The purpose of this report is to inform the committee of objections to the proposal to provide a blue badge holder parking bay on Caledonian Road, adjacent to the entrance to a development at 56 – 57 Lewes Road, Brighton. The proposed bay is located on the north side of Caledonian Road, from a point 7m west of the junction with Lewes Road, for a distance of 6m.


1.2         This report provides the officer response to those objections and requests that these are now considered by the committee with a view to approving the Traffic Regulation Order.


2.            Recommendations


2.1         That the Committee having taken account of all duly made representations and comments, agrees that the following Traffic Regulation Order is approved and is implemented:


Brighton & Hove Various Controlled Parking Zones Consolidation Order 2018 Amendment Order No.* 202* (TRO-11-2022)


3.            Context and background information


3.1         Under planning application reference BH2020/01696, the conversion of 56 – 57 Lewes Road from food retail use to student accommodation and flexible retail/café use was approved by council’s Planning Committee on 5th March 2021. The supporting evidence, which has already been agreed by the Council as being appropriate and accurate, notes the need for a blue badge holder parking bay. The existing cycle parking facilities are to be relocated and the area vacated to be established as a blue badge holder parking bay.


3.2         The main entrance of the student accommodation element of the proposal is to be moved to Caledonian Road. The Local Highway Authority considered that it was necessary to include a blue badge holder space adjacent to the new entrance for the benefit of prospective tenants, their guests, visitors, users of the retail/café space, and local residents.


3.3         The five cycle stands are to be relocated on Lewes Road as follows:        four stands on the footway opposite the development, to the south of the Franklin Road junction; one stand (adjacent to two existing stands) on the footway opposite the development, to the south of the St. Leonard’s Road junction (see Appendix 3).


3.4         The Loading/Unloading bay to the west of the proposed Blue Badge Holder Bay is unchanged by this amendment.


3.5         The Highway Authority received 13 items of correspondence to the proposals that were advertised in TRO-11-2022. The comments from all objectors followed a similar theme and are summarized in paragraph 5.5.


4.            Analysis and consideration of alternative options


4.1         Option 1: do nothing – blue badge holder parking bay is not implemented as per planning approval BH2020/01696.


4.2         Option 2: retain cycle stands in inset bay and incorporate blue badge holder parking bay – Swept Path Analysis drawing (Background Document 1) shows that large delivery or refuse vehicles would not have enough space to be able to enter and exit the bay safely.


4.3         Option 3: find another location for the blue badge holder parking bay – The main entrance for the student accommodation element of the proposal is to be moved to Caledonian Road. The Highway Authority considered that it was necessary to include a blue badge holder space adjacent to the new entrance for the benefit of prospective tenants, their guests, visitors, users of the retail/café space, and local residents.


5.            Community engagement and consultation


5.1         A Traffic Regulation Order was advertised on 25th March 2022 with the closing date for comments and objections on the 15th April 2022. The Ward Councillors for the areas were consulted, as were the statutory consultees. At the time of the consultation, the development site was within the St Peter’s and North Laine Ward.


5.2         The notice was published in the Argus newspaper on the 25th March 2022.


5.3         A plan and the Traffic Regulation Order were available to view online. The Statement of Reasons is shown in Appendix 1. The plan of the proposals is shown in Appendix 2.


5.4         There were no objections to the installation of the blue badge holder parking bay. The objections related to the displacement of the five existing cycle stands as a result of introducing a blue badge holder parking bay at this location.


5.5         A summary is given below:

·         The TRO application did not illustrate where the five stands would be relocated to

·         Relocating the stands to a footway location instead of in the carriageway is taking away space for pedestrians and could cause obstructions to movement

·         It should not be necessary to relocate the stands as there is sufficient space in the existing loading bay for the cycle stands and a Disabled bay

·         There should be additional cycle stands provided to promote sustainable, active travel

·         Relocating the cycle stands will incur costs to the council

·         The quality of stands to be provided has not been specified


5.6         The Highways response to the above points is as follows:

·         The proposed locations are shown on the drawing in Appendix 3 (on the footway of Lewes Road, opposite the development).

·         There is more than adequate footway space behind the cycle stands at each location (greater than 3m). Dimension are shown on the plan in Appendix 3.

·         A swept path analysis drawing (Background Document 1) shows the entry and exit manoeuvre of a 10.7m articulated vehicle (the same length as a refuse lorry). This illustrates that there would be insufficient space in the inset bay to accommodate loading, blue badge holder parking and cycle parking. Large delivery or refuse vehicles would not have enough space to be able to enter and exit the bay safely.

·         Four additional stands are to be provided on the footway of Lewes Road, outside the development (shown in green on the plan in Appendix 3)

·         The developer will bear the cost of the TRO application and implementation of works.

·         The stands provided will be to BHCC / industry standard specifications acceptable to visibility impaired user groups.


6.            Conclusion


6.1         Given that there were no objections to the installation of the blue badge

holder parking bay, but rather to the potential displacement of the five existing cycle stands, all points raised by the objectors have been adequately resolved.


6.2         It is recommended that TRO-11-2022 is approved and the five displaced cycle stands and four new cycle stands are installed as shown on the plan in Appendix 3.


7.            Financial implications


7.1      The Traffic Regulation Order does not amend any paid for on-street parking

     and has no effect on the council’s parking income.


7.2      The full cost of the Traffic Regulation Order process and its implementation

     will be funded by the developer.


Name of finance officer consulted: David Wilder                                        Date consulted: (05/09/2023):


8.            Legal implications


8.1      The Council is bound by the provisions of the Road Traffic Regulation Act

     1984 and associated Regulations in relation to the procedures for making

     traffic regulation orders. These include advertisement and consultation on

     proposals. The report sets out the consultation responses and officers'

     consideration of them, as required by legislation. Committee is asked

     whether it agrees with the conclusions drawn and recommendation provided,

     having taken into account the issues raised.


Name of lawyer consulted: Katie Kam           Date consulted (05/09/23):


9.            Equalities implications


9.1         The minor nature of these works does not require an Equalities Impact Assessment.


9.2         The TRO includes provision for a new blue badge holder parking bay directly adjacent to the entrance of the development.



10.         Sustainability implications


10.1      There are no direct sustainability implications from this TRO, however the development is providing additional cycle parking adjacent to the site, which will enable and encourage greater levels of active travel.


11.         Other Implications


Social Value and procurement implications


11.1      There are none.


Crime & disorder implications:


11.2      The additional cycle parking provided by the developer will facilitate secure cycle parking.


Public health implications:


11.3      There are none.


Supporting Documentation


1.            Appendices


1.            Statement of Reasons

2.            Existing and proposed sketches for Blue Badge holder parking bay

3.            Lewes Road Cycle Stand locations (4003G) - proposed new locations for the 5 existing Caledonian Road cycle stands, plus 4 new cycle stands


2.         Background document


1.            Caledonian Road 10.7m Artic SPA (003) - Swept Path Analysis drawing of a 10.7m vehicle using the loading bay